Horoscope ☯ Element Fire



Element Fire
- Aries (3.21-20.4.)
- Lion (23.7-22.8.)
- Sagittarius (11.23-21.12.)

There are not more action and more inclusive of people than you. It will take you everywhere, you can not miss anything on the Internet and you are one of those few percent of active who are still in discussions and contribute not only to read them. When you want to do something, so just go and take it. The question is not how you do it, but when it will happen.


ARIES (March 21 - April 19)

Your arrogance and self-centeredness begins really frustrated colleagues. While quietly sipping coffee at Facebook, in the kitchen with you going Sarajevo assassination. Put your careful with whom you equip the breaks on a cigarette. Could it do it cruelly backfire.

Recommended music: Nina Simone - Sinnerman


LION (July 23 - August 22)

Do you think that everyone likes you, but he thought Adolf Hitler. Your enemy is hiding closer than you think. Do not try to expose him, just do not tell their innermost sexual desires everyone instantly.

Recommended music: GunsNRoses - Sweet Child of Mine


SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22 - Dec. 21)

Do you have a birthday before Christmas and it will in your life sucks the most. So you should realize that actually you damn well quit whining and accept the fact that those gifts simply get less than others.

Recommended music: Pet Shop Boys - Go West
